Trend Sentiment
Trend Sentiment
Learn how to determine if the market is bullish or bearish by analyzing other financial markets and sentiment indicators.
The U.S. stock market does not operate in a financial vacuum. It is impacted by the much larger currency, bond and commodity markets, whose reach extends around the globe. Knowing how these markets are behaving can give you a glimpse into the mindset of international investors and whether institutional money is likely to be flowing into, or out of, the stock market. We'll also learn about market sentiment indicators -- the tools traders use to read the "tells" of the other traders on Wall Street.
In this course, you will learn:
- How to understand intermarket analysis, including correlations and the business cycle
- How to use the “Market Fear Index”, or the VIX
Once you have completed this course and implemented the concepts, you will:
- Use global market indicators to inform your trade entries and exist
- Understand how to make the VIX a useful tool for you in your trading decisions
More Information
Difficulty Level: | Advanced |
Modules: | 3 |
Lessons: | 13 |
Course Syllabus
Trend Sentiment
Module 1 | Intermarket Analysis | |
The U.S. stock market does not operate in a financial vacuum. It is impacted by the much larger currency, bond and commodity markets, whose reach extends around the globe. Knowing how these markets are behaving can give you a glimpse into the mindset of international investors and whether institutional money is likely to be flowing into, or out of, the stock market. | ||
Lesson 1 | Reading: Confirming the Trend — Intermarket Analysis | |
Lesson 2 | Video – Part 1: Intermarket Analysis; Correlations (13:19) | |
Lesson 3 | Video – Part 2: Intermarket Analysis; The Business Cycle (11:31) | |
Lesson 4 | Quiz: Intermarket Analysis | |
Lesson 5 | Assignment: Confirming the Trend with Intermarket Analysis | |
Module 2 | Market Sentiment Indicators | |
If you talk to any successful poker player, he will tell you that the difference between winning and losing is your ability to play the other players at the table. The same holds true in the stock market. You want to be able to identify the other players tells and use those tells against them. Market sentiment indicators are the tools traders use to read the tells of the other traders on Wall Street. | ||
Lesson 1 | Reading: The Market Fear Index | |
Lesson 2 | Video: Confirming the Trend with Market Sentiment Indicators (17:36) | |
Lesson 3 | Quiz: The Market Fear Index | |
Lesson 4 | Assignment: Analyze the VIX | |
Module 3 | Intra-Market Analysis | |
All too often, traders fall into the trap of viewing the stock market as one great whole instead of a collection of distinct sectors and industry groups. However, if you can avoid this trap yourself, you can learn a lot about the strength of the current market trend by comparing which sectors are doing well and which are not. | ||
Lesson 1 | Reading: Confirming the Trend with Intra-Market Analysis | |
Lesson 2 | Video: Intra-Market Analysis (7:18) | |
Lesson 3 | Assignment: Confirming the Trend Using Intra-Market Analysis | |
Lesson 4 | Quiz: Intra-Market Analysis |